Only contested races shown
Organization and link | Description |
San Francisco Chronicle | Major San Francisco Bay Area daily newspaper with the largest average daily circulation |
Democratic Party (SF) | Local branch of the Democratic Party, the dominant party in San Francisco and the more liberal/left-leaning of the two major US parties |
San Francisco Bay Guardian | Online-only newspaper that reports and promotes left-wing, progressive issues |
Sierra Club | The San Francisco Bay Chapter is the local branch of the Sierra Club, America's largest and most effective grassroots environmental organization |
Green Party (SF) | SF chapter of the national Green Party: part of the Green movement that works to encourage non-violence, ecological respect, grassroots democracy, and social justice |
YIMBY Action | Pro-housing advocates trying to increase supply of housing and bring down cost of living |
SF Tenants Union | Non-profit that advocates for and educates renters and tenants on their rights |
SF Housing Action Coalition | Pro-housing organization advocating for building new well-designed, well-located housing at all levels of affordability |
SF League of Pissed Off Voters | A group of political enthusiasts formed with the goal of building a progressive majority in San Francisco government |
SF Labor Council | Local body of the AFL-CIO labor union federation: consists of 150 unions representing 100,000 members in the Bay Area |
SEIU 1021 | Local chapter of the Service Employers International Union, representing 60,000 members in Northern California |
SF League of Conservation Voters | Non-profit that seeks to protect and improve the local environment, including public transit, public spaces, natural resources, and sustainability |
SF Women's Political Committee | Largest women's organization in SF that promotes women in leadership, gender parity, and women's issues |
SF Berniecrats | Group founded by Bernie Sanders supporters from the 2016 election to support a populist, progressive movement on the Left |
SPUR (Planning / Urban Research Association) | A civic planning organization that promotes good urban planning (affordable housing, controlled sprawl, better transit) in the Bay Area |
League of Women Voters of SF | Organization that encourages voting and informed participation in politics: formed originally as part of suffrage movement in early 1900s |
SF Republican Party | Local branch of the Republican Party, the more conservative/right-leaning of the two major US parties |
District 11 Democratic Club | Democratic Party club representing SF District 11, covering Excelsior, Ocean View, Ingleside, and Visitacion Valley |
Potrero Hill Democratic Club | Democratic Party club founded in 2007 representing Potrero Hill |
Harvey Milk LGBTQ Democratic Club | Democratic Party club that supports LGBTQ and progressive issues and people of marginalized backgrounds |
United Democratic Club | Democratic Party club founded in 2016 that represents a diverse group of Democrats advancing goals of social justice, protecting the vulnerable, and providing economic opportunity for all |
Ed M. Lee Asian Pacific Democratic Club | Democratic Party club that hopes to engage Asian Pacific Islanders (API) and support API leaders |
Alice B. Toklas LGBT Democratic Club | First LGBT-centered Democratic Party club in the country; advocates for LGBT issues and candidates |
Bernal Heights Democratic Club | Democratic Club founded in 1988 in the Bernal Heights neighborhood of San Francisco |